about Vitality Room 


Vitality Room is a safe, welcoming, homelike atmosphere designed to assist clients in their personal journey toward self-healing, sustained abundance, improved health, longevity, and complete wellbeing.   


LOVE. We believe that love heals all.

INTEGRITY. Trust is earned through providing a high level of service, guidance, and support.

RELIABILITY. We have an overwhelming desire to share our knowledge and help our clients achieve success.

COMMUNITY. We know that our success depends on consistently providing support.


Vitality Room was founded by Michelle Buck in January 2024. With an education in finance and 16 years as a marketing consultant, Michelle has experienced hundreds of industries, business types, services, and products. The decision as to what her next business would be didn’t come lightly. But when it did – it came with passion and fury! 


It hasn’t always been sunshine and rainbows. Michelle’s parents divorced when she was 2 years old. She lived with her single mother for a few years, welcomed in a whole new family as her mom remarried in grade school, and bounced between homes before finding stability in 5th grade. Making her way through school as an only child with parents that worked out of the home, she gained independence at a young age. It seemed like the only way to be, or so she thought. 

Michelle worked through high school starting at the youngest permitted age. That independence had her prepared to build a life to be proud of. She created a dream she could build and work toward. That dream took a turn when she was evicted from her home at age 18 and found herself committed to a toxic relationship. The 7 years that followed darn near took her out. Insecurity, fear, health scares, moving every few months, unhealthy substances, habits, and lifestyle was all she knew. It was a vortex that sucked her in with no way to get out. 

Finally, in 2010, Michelle was able to start turning it around. Still, it didn’t come easily. Just as she turned toward a life of health and wellness to pull her out of the dark hole she seemed to have fallen into, she was saved when she met the love of her life. 2 years later, her son was born, and family life began.

We’re not always quite ready for the changes when they come. In these cases, we’re forced, or thrown into situations to where we either sink or swim. With a child having become the #1 priority, realization that the limited career path she was on wasn’t going to sustain the lifestyle she wanted to give her new bundle of joy. 

When her son was only 4 months old, Michelle started a business in the health and wellness industry. Marketing Consultant by day and nutrition educator by night, she found herself out of the home from sunup to sundown learning, practicing, and teaching everything she could. 



Lessons Learned from the Medical Industry:

Asthma / Allergies / Chronic Sinus: After a childhood of severe asthma plaguing her every move, the breathlessness turned into chronic coughing, sneezing, and mucus. It got to the point that everyone knew when Michelle was coming because they could hear her chronic condition the moment she walked into the room. One can only imagine the foggy brain that had been created from a lifetime without enough oxygen. She finally was set up with an allergist who claimed she was allergic to dozens of substances including everyday surroundings like trees, grass, and animals. She was given weekly allergy shots in the back of her arm along with daily steroid nasal sprays just to keep the pressure at bay. It didn’t work. Every shot in the arm resulted in a swollen, sore monstrosity that was “good to see” on the arm as a reaction to the toxic tonic. Years went by with shots and sprays until she finally was referred to an ENT professional who performed a day surgery to pulverize and clear the sinuses from the inside, making more space for the mucus (treating the symptom). Years later, she found out that all of this was caused by consuming dairy. It was all for nothing. No doctor had suggested this. 

Thyroid Disease: After many years of feeling sluggish, scared, insecure, overweight, and almost narcoleptic, Michelle was diagnosed with thyroid disease. Uneducated in health and wellness at the time, she had only her Dr. to confide in. Together, they settled on a trial drug aimed at reversing the condition. When it failed, the only other option was to consume radioactive iodine to have her thyroid poisoned and dissolved. Years later, she learned she may not have had to do that. That there were other ways to heal the Thyroid. Other ways are natural and healthful for the whole body. Now, she is on medication for the rest of her life to make up for the shriveled organ. 

Gallbladder Sludge: After losing about 40 lbs. due to positive diet and activity changes, Michelle experienced unbearable pain in the abdomen. After an overnight in the ER, the hospital assigned her an appointment with a Dr without explanation. Upon arrival, she realized she was walking into a pre-op appointment! She was scheduled to have her gallbladder removed from her body without a discussion about how or why! After experiencing “professional support” regarding her asthma, allergies, and thyroid, she pulled back and refused the surgery. She sought help from a Chinese Medicine Dr, an Herbalist, and an Alternative Medicine consultant. She learned that the sludge that had collected in her gallbladder was a result of coming clean and getting healthier. It was the residual debris from the previous unhealthy lifestyle that got flushed through the liver and landed in the gallbladder. The hospital said there was only one option. The other specialists suggested otherwise. The remedy … Dr. Hulda Clark’s famous liver cleanse. Not the commercial product kind. Michelle found the original recipe. And though it seemed strange to do “zapping” to kill parasites in the liver, a kidney cleanse when it’s the gallbladder that hurts, and drink Epsom salt water as well as an oxidized olive oil solution, it worked! This was the first time Michelle tried something “holistic” and it worked! Not only that, but it really wasn’t that difficult. Why are we so quick to choose surgery?!

Traumatic Experiences: 

  • Birth trauma when Michelle almost didn’t make it into the world. 
  • Parents’ Divorce
  • Abusive Childcare
  • Abandonment 
  • Watching her childhood pet be killed by a car
  • Watching her 2nd family breakup in divorce
  • Losing loved ones in tragic accidents
  • Vehicle crashes 
  • Abusive relationships
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Caring for fishermen after a deadly boat accident 
  • Electrical currant from lightning strike while pregnant
  • COVID Pandemic 2020 followed by a mental breakdown
  • Malpractice by a medical professional while in labor leading to an unscheduled c-section.
  • Accidental stabbing
  • Mental breakdown of 2023*

*Mental / Emotional Breakdowns Stress and anxiety had always been present. In the early years, Michelle would bury them with unhealthy substances including cannabis and alcohol. She never processed the trauma she experienced throughout her life. From 2010 – 2022, Michelle focused on professional development leading her to a successful milestone in her career. Once that milestone was hit, the fall began in 2023. She fell quickly into a deep depression with gripping anxiety. Losing work, causing a ripple effect of negativity and emotional and mental unwellness through her household. Her child avoided her, and her husband tried to help. It wasn’t helping because she needed to help herself. She’d put so much focus on her career that she neglected taking care of and growing personal wellbeing. She burned out. She went from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs in 2023. She tried all of the tools: Meditation, yoga, talk therapy, anxiety medication, anti-depressants, journaling, walking in nature, exercise and diet, even hypnosis. While all these modalities were helpful, they weren’t what she needed. She needed to go deeper. She needed to dig up and deal with some of that earlier trauma. That’s where the Harmonic Egg came in. 

Discovering the Harmonic Egg: In October 2023, Michelle saw a grand opening event on Facebook posted by an acquaintance from one of her earlier health and wellness endeavors. As a Senior Marketing Consultant, she was excited to learn more about this Harmonic Egg and couldn’t wait to help the new owner with her website and marketing efforts. She casually attended the grand opening and sat in the egg for about 10 minutes then went about her day shopping and going out to lunch with her mom. Just a nice day out, almost feeling herself again from the pain she’d suffered earlier in the year. On the way home, something incredible happened. She felt a clearing in her mind turning the negative voice off in the back of her head. She felt what can only be described as a “blanket of compassion” lay over her. She made a U-turn so she could make an unannounced house call to a friend who was suffering. She could feel that he needed her at that moment. That’s where the story of Vitality Room begins. Michelle was all in. She had to have the Harmonic Egg in her life. She wanted the membership and the packages, and she just had to have this on a regular basis. She had never felt this good mentally or emotionally in her whole life! She needed to be a client! A week or two later, Michelle received a phone call offering her a job. Not just any job. This was the career of her dreams! She had the opportunity to not just consult small businesses on how to market, but to consult the marketing companies on how to operate! It was a dream come true. The next day, it dawned on her that this opportunity wasn’t about the marketing company, it was about her value. She realized her value, and this was the moment she’d been looking for. This was the moment that Vitality Room was given a name. 

The Birth of Vitality Room: Vitality Room was born in just 2 months! It went from a thought to a plan, to action, to reality quickly. Why? Because this was the answer. This was the beautiful picture that those ugly puzzle pieces would fit to become. The experiences. The humility. The education. The effort. The willingness to learn and grow at every chance. This was the moment that she could take all that she learned and use it for good, helping other people realize what is possible for them as well. 

What's your story like? Where did you begin? Where are you now? And where do you want to go?

With the Harmonic Egg, we believe that anything is possible. Together, let's create Vitality from Within.

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