There are several types of addiction. We often think of the ‘big’ ones like addiction to alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, gambling, and food. But there are several other addictions including addiction to electronics, gaming, social media, stealing, biting nails, self-mutilation. Then, there are some that are seldom referred to as addictions such as being addicted to abusive relationships or being negative / having negative self-talk. Even self-improvement can be an addiction. This may look like attending seminars but never stopping long enough to integrate the information. Many addictions are distractions and escapes from finding ourselves and connecting to self. This holds true for those who are going through the motions to find themselves as a distraction and creating the illusion to others that you are doing something to ‘fix’ yourself.
Some addictions are believed to be caused by heavy metals in the body. If this is suspected, we’ll recommend you consider taking BioRay’s NDF Natural Detox Drops. This is a supplement we carry in the center. Some addictions are believed to be caused by missing tones in the voice. Missing tones are often a result of an emotional and/or spiritual imbalance.
Our addiction protocol is based on compassion for self, confidence, patience for self, and spiritual fulfillment. We’ll aim at nurturing the client and bringing back confidence (supporting the Solar Plexus Chakra) and self-love. There is no fast track or accelerated protocol for this spiritual dis-ease.
This protocol recommends 10 sessions being done every other week (11 if you count the bonus session at the end). While we are not certified addiction counselors, we do expect to be a soundboard and support system for at least the first 6 to 8 weeks as you navigate the emotions and come back into alignment with self. We’ll offer small stress management tips to incorporate into your lifestyle to help your habits shift. If sessions are integrating well and the recovery is moving quickly, we may recommend you attend your sessions weekly, as opposed to by-weekly.
It's important that the client wants to change. We never recommend ‘enrolling’ someone into a Harmonic Egg Addiction Protocol because ‘they need help’. Being unwell is one thing. Not wanting to change is another.
Some clients who can benefit from the addiction protocol may feel uneasy about beginning. If they are curious, but apprehensive, we recommend scheduling a “Party for 2” for their first session. This is designed for 2 people to receive sessions (one after the other). The center is closed to foot traffic and the lounge is available for connection with a loved one. Moral support will be important for anyone in this situation. This is the best way to show it. Also, it’s a good way for them to experience the energies of the egg without feeling alienated, like they’ve been ‘sent somewhere.’ A loved one gets to experience the egg as well, and post conversations with the loved one will help with integration of the first session. From there, the client will either be comfortable enough with the process to return solo, or they will decide they don’t want to do the work to change. Either way is ok. We just hope that everyone finds the strength inside of them to get the help they need.
Session #1 Focus: Autonomic nervous system (ANS) reset and let go of things not desired and open the path for manifesting a healthier lifestyle.
Session #2 Focus: ANS reset, promote calm and quiescence. Relieve stress and lower cortisol levels. Calm the spirit. Balance the Vata for blood flow, elimination of waste, breath, and thoughts across the mind. As the Vata becomes more balanced, the mind and body synch into a more harmonious state.
Session #3 Focus: ANS reset and Chakra Balance. Balance the 7 energy centers in the body.
Session #4 Focus: Flex Session. How are you feeling after your first 3 sessions? What have you experienced? Where do you feel imbalanced? Do you have physical pain? Are there certain thoughts that have repeated in your mind? Are you struggling with uncomfortable emotions? We’ll customize this session to help take the edge off from what’s nagging.
Session #5 Focus: Relax the nervous system and open the heart to start a deep purification journey. Bring balance to body, mind, and spirit. Added focus on forgiveness, family healing, and programming. Invoking empathy, compassion, unconditional love, and self-love.
Session #6 Focus: ANS Reset. Stress Less. Lung support to promote deep breathing. Kidney support promotes healthy adrenals. Sacral Chakra (2nd energy center) support to allow you to let go, to move, and to feel change and transformation occur within your body.
Session #7 Focus: Liver support for cleansing of the blood and lymphatic system. Spleen and Pancreas support blood and energy flow to carry oxygen to the cells. Heart Chakra support for forgiveness, unconditional love, peace, and setting personal boundaries. Address loneliness, depression or fear of intimacy. Third Eye Chakra supports to help see life with clarity, insight, self-awareness, and emotional balance.
Session #8 Focus: Flex session. Either replace the tone of G into the body or ANS reset and physical inflammation support.
Session #9 Focus: Replace the tone of B into the body.
Session #10 Focus: Flex session. Either replace the tone of D into the body or focus on immune support.
You’ve completed the 10-session series for addiction. Your journey may not be over yet. We’ll do an in-depth check-in to see what support you need from here. If you feel you’re ready to commit abstinence of the addiction to yourself, we may have you sign a letter of sovereignty. This is a contractual promise with your soul that you’ll make the right choices and be better to yourself moving forward. This often is accompanied by the session “Frequency of Love”. Consider this a graduation. Something worth celebrating for sure!
Pricing Tips:
Pricing combinations are flexible. Often a conversation at the center can help identify the best option for you.
Here is an upfront example:
• Pre-paid package of 12 sessions: $1,140
• BioRay DNF Detox Drops: $79 (+ tax)
• Total Cost $1,222.95 to cover a 6-month program.
The Harmonic Egg combines multiple modalities into one to help you navigate trauma. To explore other ways to help, please click HERE for a free resource. We hope you find it helpful.
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104 Tandberg Trail, Suite A
Windham, ME 04062
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