This protocol can also be used and customized for those recovering from COVID, the flu, respiratory illness, COPD, or other lung issues. Long-term effects from COVID can include fatigue, shortness of breath, difficulty concentrating, sleep disorders, fevers, brain fog, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, damage to the lungs, anxiety, and depression … just like grief.
Breathing exercises will be encouraged as well as recommended reading.
We encourage our listeners to take a daily shot of kale juice to help detox and heal the lungs.
Silver Biotics Oral Spray Immune Support is recommended for all clients on this protocol. This is available at the center.
Dry Brushing or using a rebounder (personal trampoline) is recommended for all clients on this protocol to help keep the lymphatic system moving. The body detoxes emotions the same way it does physical toxins through the body. Keeping the system detoxing and flushing will improve the process.
Raw Silk Garshana Gloves are available at the center.
Adding yoga or going for short daily walks is also recommended.
6-session Series done weekly or bi-weekly.
Session #1 Focus: Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Reset. Sounds may include Guitar, Violin, and/or Viola for the Crown Chakra, Heart Chakra, Lungs, and Thymus. Colors may include green, blue, and/or purple for a calming and balancing effect.
Session #2 Focus: Shaking some things up. Unstick stagnant or cycling energies with drumming* or didgeridoo. May incorporate Orange or Red Orange color(s) to therapeutically heal grief.
Session #3 Focus: ANS Reset like #1 with a different sound bed.
Session #4 Focus: Shaking some things up like #2 with a different sound bed.
Session #5 Focus: Work on the Heart Chakra with bells or string instruments.
Session #6 Focus: ANS Reset like #1 with a different sound bed.
*The Digeridoo will replace drumming for veterans suffering from military related PTS.
Pricing Tips:
We will work with you to find the most achievable payment solution for you. Here is a recommended combination:
Total Cost $675.15 (including tax)
The Harmonic Egg combines multiple modalities into one to help you navigate trauma. To explore other ways to help, please click HERE for a free resource. We hope you find it helpful.
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Windham, ME 04062
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